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Long Red And Gold Christmas Flower Arrangements

Long Red And Gold Christmas Flower Arrangements
  • Product Code: RA100308
  • Availability: In Stock

$35.17 $55.92

Long red and gold Christmas flower arrangements are a popular choice for holiday decorations. These arrangements typically feature a combination of red and gold flowers, along with other festive elements such as greenery, berries, and ornaments. The long arrangement style allows for a dramatic and elegant display, perfect for adorning mantels, dining tables, or entryway consoles. The red flowers often used in these arrangements include roses, amaryllis, poinsettias, and carnations, while gold accents can be achieved with flowers like marigolds or by incorporating gold-colored ribbons or decorative elements. The combination of red and gold creates a luxurious and festive ambiance, evoking the warmth and joy of the holiday season. Whether used as a centerpiece or as a decorative accent throughout the home, long red and gold Christmas flower arrangements add a touch of elegance and holiday cheer to any space.

long red and gold christmas flower arrangements

About This Product:

Realistic and Lifelike Appearanc:Our long red and gold Christmas flower arrangements are made with high-quality silk material, giving them a realistic and lifelike appearance. They are designed to mimic the beauty of real flowers, ensuring that your decorations look stunning and elegant.

Customizable Size Option:We offer a range of sizes for our flower arrangements, including 35cm, 40cm, 50cm, 60cm, and 70cm. This allows you to choose the perfect size to fit your space and create the desired visual impact. Whether you need a small centerpiece or a large statement piece, we have the right size for you.

Versatile Use for Various Occasion:Our artificial flower arrangements are suitable for a wide range of occasions, including weddings, parties, hotels, Christmas, and stores. They can be used to decorate wedding arches, backdrops, hotel backgrounds, and more. With their versatile design, you can easily incorporate them into any event or space.

Durable and Long-lastin:Made with high-quality silk material, our flower arrangements are durable and long-lasting. Unlike real flowers that wither and fade over time, our artificial flowers will maintain their vibrant colors and shape for years to come. This ensures that your decorations will look fresh and beautiful throughout the holiday season and beyond.

Easy DIY Decoratio:Our long red and gold Christmas flower arrangements are perfect for DIY enthusiasts. Whether you're planning a wedding, a party, or simply want to add a festive touch to your home, our flower arrangements are easy to work with. You can use them to create stunning centerpieces, wreaths, garlands, and more, allowing you to unleash your creativity and personalize your decorations.

Product Parameters
ClassificationArtificial Flowers
Flower StyleFlower Bouquet
TypeWedding flower ball
OriginMainland China
styleartificial flower ball/garland wreath
ocasionDIY wedding/party/hotel/Christmas/store
flower ball size35/40/50/60/70cm
package1 piece flower ball or 1 piece cendle stick
colorsPink/white/purple/light purple
use occasion 1DIY wedding arch decor
use occasion 2wedding backdrop decor
use occasion 3hotel background decor
use occasion 4party decor flowers
use occasion 5display flowers

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Product Advantages:

Advantages of Artificial Flower Decorations:

1. Long-lasting Beauty: Artificial flower decorations, such as long red and gold Christmas flower arrangements, offer the advantage of maintaining their beauty throughout the holiday season and beyond. Unlike real flowers that wither and die, artificial flowers retain their vibrant colors and shape, allowing you to enjoy their beauty for years to come.

2. Low Maintenance: Artificial flower decorations require minimal maintenance compared to real flowers. They do not need watering, pruning, or sunlight, making them an ideal choice for busy individuals or those lacking a green thumb. Simply dusting them occasionally will keep them looking fresh and beautiful.

3. Allergy-Friendly: For individuals with allergies or sensitivities to pollen, artificial flower decorations provide a perfect solution. Unlike real flowers that release pollen into the air, artificial flowers are pollen-free, allowing everyone to enjoy their beauty without any allergic reactions.

4. Versatility: Artificial flower decorations offer endless possibilities for creativity and customization. You can easily arrange and rearrange the flowers to suit your preferences or match your existing decor. Additionally, artificial flowers can be easily combined with other decorative elements, such as ribbons, ornaments, or fairy lights, to create stunning and unique displays.

5. Cost-effective: Investing in artificial flower decorations can be a cost-effective choice in the long run. While real flowers need to be replaced frequently, artificial flowers can be reused year after year, saving you money on purchasing new arrangements for each holiday season.

6. Weather-resistant: Unlike real flowers that are susceptible to weather conditions, artificial flower decorations are weather-resistant. They can withstand extreme temperatures, humidity, and sunlight without fading or wilting. This makes them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, allowing you to decorate your home or garden without worrying about the flowers being damaged by the elements.

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Related technologies:

1. Realistic Design: The latest application technologies in artificial flower decorations focus on creating long red and gold Christmas flower arrangements that closely resemble real flowers. Advanced techniques such as 3D printing and high-quality materials allow for intricate detailing, texture, and color variations that mimic the natural beauty of fresh flowers.

2. LED Lighting: To add a touch of enchantment and festive spirit, artificial flower arrangements now incorporate LED lighting. These tiny lights are strategically placed within the flowers or foliage, creating a warm and magical glow. LED lights are energy-efficient, long-lasting, and can be programmed to flicker or change colors, enhancing the overall visual appeal of the arrangement.

3. Scent Infusion: Artificial flower decorations can now be infused with scents that mimic the fragrance of real flowers. Through innovative techniques, floral scents are encapsulated and released gradually, giving the illusion of freshly bloomed flowers. This technology adds an extra sensory dimension to the arrangement, making it more immersive and realistic.

4. Remote Control Features: Some artificial flower arrangements come with remote control capabilities, allowing users to adjust the lighting effects, scent intensity, or even control the movement of certain elements within the arrangement. This feature provides convenience and customization options, enabling users to create their desired ambiance and atmosphere.

5. Smart Integration: Artificial flower decorations can now be integrated with smart home systems, enabling voice control and automation. By connecting the arrangement to platforms like Amazon Alexa or Google Home, users can easily control the lighting, scent, and other features with simple voice commands. This technology adds a modern and convenient twist to traditional flower decorations, making them more interactive and user-friendly.

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Related accessories:

1. Red and Gold Christmas Flower Picks: These artificial flower picks are designed specifically for Christmas flower arrangements. They feature long stems adorned with red and gold flowers, adding a festive touch to any arrangement. The picks can be easily inserted into floral foam or placed directly into vases, creating a stunning centerpiece or accent piece for your holiday decor.

2. Red and Gold Christmas Ribbon: To enhance the beauty of your flower arrangements, consider adding a touch of elegance with red and gold Christmas ribbon. This ribbon can be used to tie around the vase or to create bows that can be attached to the stems of the flowers. The rich colors of red and gold will complement the arrangement and add a luxurious feel to your Christmas decor.

3. Red and Gold Christmas Flower Wrapping Paper: If you are gifting a Christmas flower arrangement, consider wrapping it in red and gold Christmas-themed wrapping paper. This will not only protect the flowers during transportation but also add an extra layer of beauty to the gift. The vibrant red and gold patterns on the wrapping paper will create anticipation and excitement for the recipient.

4. Red and Gold Christmas Flower Vases: To display your long red and gold Christmas flower arrangements, opt for vases that match the festive theme. Look for vases in shades of red or gold, or even ones with intricate Christmas designs. These vases will not only hold your flowers securely but also serve as decorative pieces that enhance the overall look of your arrangement.

5. Red and Gold Christmas Flower Picks with LED Lights: For a magical touch, consider using artificial flower picks with built-in LED lights. These picks feature red and gold flowers with small LED lights embedded in them. When turned on, the lights create a warm and enchanting glow, making your Christmas flower arrangements truly mesmerizing. These picks can be easily inserted into the arrangement, adding a touch of sparkle and creating a festive ambiance.

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1. Regular Dusting: Dust can accumulate on artificial flower arrangements over time, making them look dull and less vibrant. Use a soft, dry cloth or a feather duster to gently remove any dust from the flowers, leaves, and stems. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as it may damage the delicate petals or foliage.

2. Spot Cleaning: If you notice any stains or dirt on the flowers or foliage, spot cleaning is necessary. Mix a mild detergent with water and use a soft cloth or sponge to gently dab the affected area. Avoid rubbing vigorously, as it may cause the colors to fade or the petals to come off. After cleaning, make sure to rinse the area with clean water and pat dry with a towel.

3. Avoid Direct Sunlight: Artificial flowers are prone to fading when exposed to direct sunlight for prolonged periods. To maintain their vibrant colors, place your red and gold Christmas flower arrangements away from windows or any other sources of direct sunlight. If you want to display them near a window, consider using curtains or blinds to filter the sunlight.

4. Store Properly: When the holiday season is over, it's important to store your artificial flower arrangements properly to prevent damage. Remove any dust or dirt, and place them in a sturdy box or container with enough space to avoid crushing the flowers. Store them in a cool, dry place to prevent any moisture damage.

5. Check for Loose Parts: Over time, the flowers or foliage may become loose or detached from the arrangement. Regularly inspect your artificial flower decorations for any loose parts and gently secure them back in place. If any flowers or leaves are beyond repair, consider replacing them to maintain the overall appearance of the arrangement.

6. Avoid Water Exposure: Unlike real flowers, artificial flower decorations do not require water. Exposing them to water can cause damage to the materials and may lead to discoloration or mold growth. Keep your arrangements away from water sources, such as sinks or humid areas, to ensure their longevity.

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Product parameters:

Product Feature

long red and gold christmas flower arrangements6 long red and gold christmas flower arrangements7 long red and gold christmas flower arrangements8 long red and gold christmas flower arrangements9 long red and gold christmas flower arrangements10

I received so many compliments on this Christmas flower arrangement. The long stems and vibrant colors make it a standout piece. Love it!


The quality of this Christmas flower arrangement is top-notch. The colors are rich and the arrangement is full and lush. Absolutely love it!


This long red and gold Christmas flower arrangement is absolutely stunning. It's the perfect addition to our holiday decor. So happy with this purchase!


Beautiful centerpiece for our Christmas dinner table. The red and gold flowers added a touch of elegance to the whole room. Highly recommend!


I am so impressed with the craftsmanship of this long red and gold Christmas flower arrangement. It looks even better in person than in the pictures. Highly recommend!


This arrangement is exactly what I was looking for to complete my Christmas decorations. The red and gold colors are so festive and the flowers are beautiful. Highly recommend!


The flowers in this arrangement are so lifelike, you would think they were real. The red and gold colors are perfect for the holiday season. Highly recommend!


I was looking for a unique Christmas decoration and this arrangement exceeded my expectations. The colors are vibrant and the flowers are high quality. Love it!


I couldn't be happier with this Christmas flower arrangement. The red and gold colors are so vibrant and the arrangement is full and lush. Highly recommend!


This arrangement is the perfect centerpiece for our holiday gatherings. The red and gold colors are so festive and the flowers are arranged beautifully. Love it!


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