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White Green And Pink Table Runner

White Green And Pink Table Runner
  • Product Code: RA103858
  • Availability: In Stock

$596.60 $936.66

A table runner is a decorative piece of fabric that is placed on top of a table to add color, texture, and style to the overall table setting. The keywords "white, green, and pink table runner" suggest a table runner that incorporates these three colors.

White is often associated with purity, simplicity, and elegance. It can create a clean and sophisticated look on a table. Green is commonly associated with nature, growth, and freshness. It can bring a sense of tranquility and harmony to a table setting. Pink is often associated with femininity, romance, and sweetness. It can add a touch of playfulness and charm to a table.

A table runner that combines white, green, and pink can create a visually appealing and vibrant table setting. The white color can serve as a neutral base, while the green and pink colors can be used as accents to add pops of color and visual interest. This combination can be particularly suitable for spring or summer-themed events, garden parties, or any occasion where a cheerful and lively atmosphere is desired.

white green and pink table runner

About This Product:

Customizable for any occasio:Our white, green, and pink table runner can be customized to suit any event or celebration. Whether it's a wedding, party, or special occasion, you can personalize the decoration to match the theme and ambiance of your event. With the option to choose from different colors and styles, you can create a unique and stunning centerpiece that will impress your guests.

High-quality silk materia:Our table runner is made from high-quality silk material, ensuring a realistic and elegant look. The silk fabric gives the flowers a lifelike appearance, making them indistinguishable from real flowers. The material is also durable and long-lasting, allowing you to reuse the table runner for multiple events without worrying about it losing its beauty.

Versatile use for various setting:Our white, green, and pink table runner can be used in a variety of settings, including living rooms, ceilings, walls, and tables. Whether you want to create a romantic atmosphere in your living room or add a touch of elegance to your event venue, our table runner is the perfect choice. Its versatility allows you to use it for different occasions and locations, making it a cost-effective and practical decoration option.

Easy to install and maintai:Our table runner is easy to install and requires minimal maintenance. It comes with a simple design that allows you to hang it or place it on any surface effortlessly. Additionally, the silk material is easy to clean, requiring only a gentle wipe to remove any dust or dirt. This convenience saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your event preparation.

Wholesales available for bulk order:If you're planning a large event or need multiple table runners, we offer wholesale options for bulk orders. This allows you to save money while still getting high-quality artificial flower decorations. Our wholesale prices are competitive, making it a cost-effective solution for event planners, wedding organizers, or anyone who needs a large quantity of table runners. With our wholesale option, you can create a stunning and cohesive look for your event without breaking the bank.

Product Parameters
colorsLight Green
Typeliving room ceiling decor pink white wisteria
OriginMainland China
stylewhite wisteria vine flowers string
typesplants vine wall hanging materials
package1 piece flower (without stand)
festival 1Christmas/New year/Wedding/Valentine's Day
festival 2Thanksgiving day/ party/Mother's day/Father's day
festival3Back to school/Earth day/Graduation/New year
occasionDIY Wedding/party/home/hotel/house/table/office/event/ceremony
WholesalesWholesales flower available
use forOutdoor wedding arch decor, party scene decor, window display, New Year shop decor, hotel floral arrangement
typewedding party event backdrop decor flower wall plants wall

white green and pink table runner1


1. Regular Cleaning: To maintain the beauty of your white, green, and pink table runner, it is essential to clean it regularly. Use a soft brush or a lint roller to remove any dust or debris that may accumulate on the surface. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the fabric.

2. Spot Cleaning: In case of any spills or stains on the table runner, it is crucial to address them promptly. Blot the affected area gently with a clean cloth or sponge, using a mild detergent or stain remover if necessary. Avoid rubbing the stain, as it may spread or damage the fabric.

3. Storage: When not in use, store your table runner in a clean and dry place. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures, as this can cause fading or discoloration. Consider folding it neatly or rolling it up to prevent creases or wrinkles.

4. Ironing: If your table runner becomes wrinkled, you can use a low-heat iron to remove the creases. Place a thin cloth or towel over the runner to protect the fabric, and iron gently on the lowest setting. Avoid using steam, as it may damage the artificial flowers or embellishments.

5. Handling with Care: When handling the table runner, be gentle to prevent any accidental tears or damage. Avoid pulling or tugging on the fabric, especially around the edges or corners where it may be more vulnerable.

6. Professional Cleaning: If your table runner requires a deeper clean or if it has intricate details that are difficult to clean at home, consider taking it to a professional cleaner. They have the expertise and specialized equipment to handle delicate fabrics and ensure thorough cleaning without causing any harm.

white green and pink table runner1

Product features:

1. Color Variety: The artificial flower decorations should come in a range of colors, including white, green, and pink, to match different table settings and themes. This allows customers to choose the color that best complements their overall decor and creates a cohesive look.

2. Realistic Appearance: The artificial flowers should be designed to closely resemble real flowers, with intricate details and lifelike textures. This ensures that the table runner looks elegant and sophisticated, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the table setting.

3. Durable Materials: The artificial flowers should be made from high-quality materials that are resistant to wear and tear. This ensures that the table runner can be used repeatedly without losing its shape or color, making it a cost-effective and long-lasting decoration option.

4. Easy Maintenance: The artificial flowers should be easy to clean and maintain. They should be dust-resistant and should not require any special cleaning techniques or products. This makes it convenient for customers to keep the table runner looking fresh and vibrant, even after multiple uses.

5. Versatility: The artificial flower decorations should be versatile enough to be used in various settings, such as weddings, parties, or everyday home decor. They should be suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, allowing customers to create beautiful tablescapes for any occasion.

6. Customizability: The artificial flower decorations should offer customization options, such as adjustable lengths or detachable flowers. This allows customers to tailor the table runner to their specific needs and preferences, ensuring a perfect fit for their table size and desired aesthetic.

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Product Advantages:

Advantages of Artificial Flower Decorations:

1. Long-lasting Beauty: Artificial flower decorations offer the advantage of maintaining their beauty for an extended period of time. Unlike real flowers that wither and die within a few days, artificial flowers can retain their vibrant colors and shape for years. This makes them a great investment for table runners or any other decorative purposes, as they can be reused for multiple occasions without losing their appeal.

2. Versatility: Artificial flower decorations come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, allowing for endless possibilities in terms of design and creativity. Whether you want a white, green, or pink table runner, artificial flowers can be easily customized to match your desired color scheme. Additionally, they can be arranged in different patterns and styles to suit various themes or events, making them a versatile choice for any occasion.

3. Low Maintenance: Unlike real flowers that require regular watering, pruning, and care, artificial flower decorations are virtually maintenance-free. They do not need sunlight, water, or any special attention to stay fresh and beautiful. This makes them a practical choice for busy individuals or those who lack a green thumb. Additionally, artificial flowers do not attract insects or produce pollen, making them a hypoallergenic option for people with allergies.

4. Cost-effective: Artificial flower decorations can be a cost-effective alternative to real flowers, especially for events or occasions that require large quantities of floral arrangements. Real flowers can be expensive, especially if they are out of season or rare. Artificial flowers, on the other hand, are readily available year-round and can be purchased at a fraction of the cost. Moreover, since they can be reused multiple times, they offer long-term savings compared to constantly buying fresh flowers.

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Common problems:

Error 1: Fading Colors - One common error that may occur with artificial flower decorations, such as a white, green, and pink table runner, is the fading of colors over time. This can happen due to exposure to sunlight or harsh lighting. To solve this issue, it is recommended to keep the artificial flower decorations away from direct sunlight or intense lighting. Additionally, using UV-resistant sprays or coatings can help protect the colors and prevent fading.

Error 2: Fraying Edges - Another error that may occur is the fraying of the edges of the table runner. This can happen due to regular use or improper handling. To solve this issue, it is important to handle the table runner with care and avoid pulling or tugging on the edges. If fraying does occur, it can be fixed by trimming the loose threads and using fabric glue or clear nail polish to seal the edges.

Error 3: Dust Accumulation - Artificial flower decorations, including table runners, can accumulate dust over time, making them look dull and less appealing. To solve this issue, regular cleaning is necessary. Dust can be removed by gently shaking the table runner or using a soft brush or cloth to wipe away the dust particles. For stubborn stains or dirt, a mild soap solution can be used, followed by gentle rinsing and air drying.

Error 4: Loose or Falling Flowers - Sometimes, the flowers on the table runner may become loose or even fall off due to poor attachment or wear and tear. To solve this issue, it is important to ensure that the flowers are securely attached to the fabric. If any flowers become loose, they can be reattached using fabric glue or a needle and thread. For better durability, it is recommended to choose artificial flower decorations with flowers that are securely stitched or glued onto the fabric.

Error 5: Wrinkles and Creases - Artificial flower decorations, including table runners, can develop wrinkles and creases during storage or transportation. To solve this issue, it is recommended to store the table runner in a flat and unfolded position. If wrinkles or creases do occur, they can be removed by gently steaming the fabric or using a low-heat iron with a cloth barrier between the iron and the table runner to avoid direct heat damage.

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Product parameters:

Product Feature

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This table runner is a great addition to my home decor. The colors are beautiful and it's the perfect size for my table.


I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of this table runner. The colors are exactly as pictured and it looks great on my table. Highly recommend!


I received so many compliments on this table runner. The colors are so vibrant and it adds a touch of elegance to my dining area.


I love the design and colors of this table runner. It's well-made and adds a touch of sophistication to my table setting.


I am so happy with this purchase. The table runner is well-made and the colors are so pretty. It really brightens up my table.


The white, green, and pink combination on this table runner is stunning. It's made of high-quality material and looks beautiful on my table.


Positive Reviews for ID 49943:


I couldn't be happier with this table runner. The colors are exactly as shown and it fits perfectly on my table. Great purchase!


This table runner is exactly what I was looking for. The white, green, and pink colors blend perfectly and it adds a pop of color to my dining room.


This table runner exceeded my expectations. The colors are so vibrant and it adds a festive touch to my dining room. Love it!


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