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Vector Wedding Arch

Vector Wedding Arch
  • Product Code: RA104117
  • Availability: In Stock

$1,149.40 $1,655.14

A vector wedding arch refers to a digital graphic representation of a wedding arch. Vectors are mathematical equations that define the shape, size, and position of objects in a two-dimensional space. In the context of a wedding arch, a vector graphic allows for precise and scalable rendering of the arch design. This means that the image can be resized without losing quality or becoming pixelated.

Vector wedding arches are commonly used in graphic design, event planning, and wedding invitations. They offer flexibility in terms of customization, as different elements of the arch can be easily modified, such as the shape, color, and decorations. Vector graphics also allow for easy integration with other design elements, such as text or additional illustrations.

By using vector wedding arches, designers and planners can create visually appealing and professional-looking materials for weddings, including invitations, save-the-date cards, programs, and signage. The versatility and high-quality output of vector graphics make them a popular choice in the wedding industry, enabling couples to have a consistent and aesthetically pleasing theme throughout their wedding-related materials.

vector wedding arch

About This Product:

Customizable design for personalized wedding decorations:Our vector wedding arch is fully customizable, allowing you to create a unique and personalized wedding decor. You can choose the size, style, and type of flowers to match your wedding theme and preferences. With this flexibility, you can create a stunning and memorable backdrop for your special day.

High-quality silk material for a realistic and elegant look:Our vector wedding arch is made of high-quality silk material, giving it a realistic and elegant appearance. The silk flowers are carefully crafted to mimic the beauty of real flowers, providing a stunning visual impact. Your guests will be amazed by the lifelike details and vibrant colors of our artificial flower decorations.

Versatile usage for various occasions and settings:Our vector wedding arch is not limited to weddings only. It can be used for various occasions such as parties, home decor, hotel floral arrangements, and more. Whether you want to create a romantic atmosphere for a date night or add a touch of elegance to your office space, our artificial flower decorations are perfect for any setting.

Easy to set up and dismantle for hassle-free decorating:Our vector wedding arch is designed for easy setup and dismantling, making decorating a breeze. The flowers are securely attached to a fabric curtain, allowing you to quickly assemble the arch without any complicated tools or techniques. After the event, you can easily dismantle and store the arch for future use.

Durable and long-lasting for repeated use:Our vector wedding arch is made with durability in mind. The high-quality silk material and meticulous craftsmanship ensure that the flowers will maintain their beauty and shape even after multiple uses. You can reuse the arch for future events or keep it as a cherished memento of your special day.

Product Parameters
Typewedding decor fabric curtain flower wall arrgement
OriginMainland China
stylepeony cloth flower wall /turfl/wall hanging floral/fabric curtain flower wall/cloth plants wall
package1 piece flower (without stand)
festival 1Christmas/New year/Wedding/Valentine's Day
festival 2Thanksgiving day/ party/Mother's day/Father's day
festival3Back to school/Earth day/Graduation/New year
occasionDIY Wedding/party/home/hotel/house/table/office/event/ceremony
WholesalesWholesales flower available
use forOutdoor wedding arch decor, party scene decor, window display, New Year shop decor, hotel floral arrangement
typeHydrangea Flower Wall/wedding backdrop clothe flower wall

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Application Scenarios:

Application Scenario 1: Wedding Ceremony Decor

Artificial flower decorations can be used to create a stunning wedding arch for the ceremony. The vector wedding arch can be adorned with an array of artificial flowers, such as roses, peonies, and hydrangeas, to create a romantic and elegant ambiance. The flowers can be arranged in a cascading manner, creating a beautiful backdrop for the couple as they exchange their vows. The artificial flowers can be chosen to match the wedding theme or color scheme, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing look. The vector wedding arch can be easily assembled and disassembled, making it convenient for both indoor and outdoor weddings.

Application Scenario 2: Photo Booth Backdrop

Artificial flower decorations can also be used to create a stunning backdrop for a photo booth at weddings or other events. The vector wedding arch can be set up as a freestanding structure, and artificial flowers can be attached to it to create a lush and vibrant backdrop. Guests can pose in front of the flower-filled arch, creating beautiful and memorable photos. The artificial flowers can be chosen to match the event's theme or color scheme, adding a touch of elegance and charm to the photo booth area.

Application Scenario 3: Event Entrance Decoration

Artificial flower decorations can be used to decorate the entrance of an event venue, such as a wedding reception or a gala. The vector wedding arch can be placed at the entrance, and artificial flowers can be arranged on it to create a grand and welcoming entrance. The flowers can be chosen to match the event's theme or color scheme, creating a cohesive and visually appealing look. The artificial flower decorations can instantly elevate the ambiance of the event and leave a lasting impression on the guests.

Application Scenario 4: Outdoor Garden Party Decor

Artificial flower decorations can be used to create a beautiful and vibrant atmosphere for an outdoor garden party. The vector wedding arch can be set up in a garden or patio area, and artificial flowers can be attached to it to create a stunning focal point. The flowers can be chosen to match the party's theme or color scheme, adding a touch of elegance and charm to the outdoor space. The artificial flower decorations can withstand outdoor elements, making them perfect for garden parties. The vibrant colors and lifelike appearance of the artificial flowers will create a visually appealing and inviting atmosphere for guests to enjoy.

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Product features:

1. Realistic Appearance: Artificial flower decorations for a vector wedding arch should have a realistic appearance to create a visually stunning and authentic ambiance. The flowers should be designed with intricate details, vibrant colors, and lifelike textures to mimic the beauty of real flowers. This will ensure that the arch looks elegant and enchanting, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the wedding venue.

2. Customizable Design: The artificial flower decorations should offer a customizable design to cater to the unique preferences and themes of different weddings. This means that the flowers should be easily detachable and rearrangeable, allowing users to create their desired arrangements. Additionally, the decorations should come in a variety of flower types, colors, and sizes, enabling users to mix and match according to their specific wedding theme or color scheme.

3. Durable and Long-lasting: Since the artificial flower decorations will be used for a wedding arch, they need to be durable and long-lasting. The materials used should be of high quality, ensuring that the flowers can withstand outdoor elements such as wind, rain, and sunlight without fading or deteriorating. This will guarantee that the decorations remain intact throughout the wedding ceremony and reception, maintaining their beauty and elegance.

4. Easy Installation: The artificial flower decorations should be designed for easy installation on a vector wedding arch. They should come with a user-friendly attachment system, such as hooks or clips, that allows for quick and hassle-free setup. This will save time and effort for wedding planners and decorators, ensuring a smooth and efficient installation process. Additionally, easy installation will also facilitate easy removal and storage, making it convenient for future use or reusability.

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1. Regular Cleaning: To maintain the beauty and longevity of artificial flower decorations on a vector wedding arch, regular cleaning is essential. Use a soft brush or a feather duster to gently remove any dust or debris that may accumulate on the flowers. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials as they can damage the delicate petals or leaves.

2. Storage: When the vector wedding arch is not in use, proper storage is crucial to prevent any damage to the artificial flower decorations. Remove the flowers from the arch and store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. It is recommended to place them in a box or container with tissue paper or bubble wrap to protect them from any potential crushing or bending.

3. Repair and Replacement: Over time, some artificial flowers may become damaged or worn out. It is important to regularly inspect the flower decorations and repair or replace any damaged or faded flowers. You can easily find replacement flowers at craft stores or online. Use a hot glue gun or floral wire to securely attach the new flowers to the vector wedding arch.

4. Avoid Exposure to Extreme Conditions: Artificial flower decorations are not designed to withstand extreme weather conditions. Avoid placing the vector wedding arch in direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure can cause the colors to fade and the materials to deteriorate. Similarly, avoid exposing the flowers to excessive moisture or extreme temperatures, as this can cause them to warp or lose their shape.

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Related technologies:

1. 3D Printing: One of the latest application technologies in artificial flower decorations is the use of 3D printing. This technology allows for the creation of intricate and detailed designs for vector wedding arches. With 3D printing, it is possible to produce custom-made flower decorations that perfectly fit the arch's structure. This technology also enables the use of a wide range of materials, including biodegradable options, to create sustainable and eco-friendly flower decorations.

2. LED Lighting: Another key application technology in artificial flower decorations for vector wedding arches is the integration of LED lighting. LED lights can be embedded within the flowers or the arch structure itself, creating a stunning visual effect. LED lights offer a wide range of color options, allowing for customization to match the wedding theme or ambiance. Additionally, LED lights are energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan, making them a practical choice for long-lasting and vibrant flower decorations.

3. Smart Sensors: The use of smart sensors is an emerging technology in artificial flower decorations for vector wedding arches. These sensors can detect changes in the environment, such as temperature, humidity, or even the presence of people. By integrating smart sensors into the flower decorations, it is possible to create interactive and responsive designs. For example, the flowers could change color or emit a fragrance when someone approaches the arch, adding an element of surprise and delight to the wedding experience.

4. Augmented Reality (AR): AR technology is revolutionizing the way we experience and interact with artificial flower decorations for vector wedding arches. By using AR-enabled devices, such as smartphones or tablets, users can see virtual flower arrangements superimposed onto the real-world arch. This technology allows for endless possibilities in terms of design and customization. Users can experiment with different flower types, colors, and arrangements before making a final decision. AR also provides a convenient way for wedding planners and couples to visualize and plan their flower decorations, ensuring a perfect outcome on the big day.

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Product parameters:

Product Feature

vector wedding arch6 vector wedding arch7 vector wedding arch8 vector wedding arch9 vector wedding arch10

The vector wedding arch was the perfect addition to our garden wedding. It was easy to decorate and created a romantic atmosphere.


The vector wedding arch was a showstopper at our wedding. It created a beautiful focal point and made our ceremony feel magical.


I highly recommend the vector wedding arch. It was easy to set up and looked absolutely stunning. It added a touch of elegance to our outdoor wedding.


The vector wedding arch was exactly what we were looking for. It was sturdy, easy to assemble, and made our ceremony feel extra special.


The vector wedding arch was a hit at our wedding. It was well-made, easy to set up, and added a touch of sophistication to our outdoor venue.


The vector wedding arch exceeded my expectations. It was the perfect backdrop for our vows and received so many compliments from our guests.


I couldn't be happier with the vector wedding arch. It was sturdy, well-made, and added a touch of romance to our special day.


I was worried about the quality of the vector wedding arch, but it turned out to be top-notch. It was a beautiful addition to our wedding decor.


The vector wedding arch was easy to assemble and looked amazing in our outdoor wedding. It made for some beautiful photos!


Absolutely stunning! The vector wedding arch added the perfect touch of elegance to our ceremony. Highly recommend!


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